Key Highlights from AIFF’s Executive Committee Gathering

AIFF’s Power Play: Charting a New Era with FIFA Santosh Trophy, Wenger’s Insight, and Organizational Reshaping

The latest gathering of the AIFF’s executive committee, held on November 9, 2023, at the football house in New Delhi, brought forth noteworthy updates and decisions under the leadership of AIFF President Kalyan Chaubey. This assembly covered a range of topics, promising to shape the trajectory of football in India.

1.FIFA Santosh Trophy:

  • The president unveiled that the forthcoming Santosh Trophy will now bear the title FIFA Santosh Trophy.
  • Scheduled to occur in Arunachal Pradesh, the tournament’s success has been a subject of discussions with FIFA officials.
  • A meeting is on the horizon between FIFA officials and the Arunachal Pradesh Football Association, with the added anticipation of FIFA President Gianni Infantino’s presence at the final in March.

2.Arsene Wenger’s Upcoming Visit:

  • Arsene Wenger, former Arsenal manager and FIFA’s Chief of Global Football Development, is scheduled for a four-day tour in India from November 19-23.
  • Wenger’s visit aims to fortify the grassroots football program in India, with detailed discussions planned on the establishment of the proposed FIFA-AIFF academy.
  • The AIFF envisions the establishment of five academies across different zones in India, marking a pivotal moment in the country’s youth development plans.

3.Sacking of Shaji Prabhakaran:

  • The executive committee formally ratified the dismissal of former AIFF Secretary General Shaji Prabhakaran.
  • M Satyanarayana has been appointed as the Acting Secretary General, signalling a shift in leadership within the federation.

4.Milestone for Women’s Refereeing:

  • The committee celebrated the accomplishment of Lalthansangi, an assistant referee from Mizoram, who successfully passed the men’s referee fitness test.
  • This achievement grants Lalthansangi the opportunity to officiate not only in women’s games but also in men’s games, marking a significant step towards gender inclusivity in football officiating.

The Executive Committee condoled the death of former India players Mohamed Habib and Prabhakar Mishra, and observed a minutes’ silence. The Committee approved terminating Dr. Shaji Prabhakaran’s contract as Secretary General and appointed Mr. M Satyanarayana as Acting Secretary General.


The AIFF executive committee meeting exemplifies the federation’s commitment to elevating Indian football globally. From the renaming of the Santosh Trophy to engaging with FIFA officials and the upcoming visit of Arsene Wenger, these developments underscore dynamic initiatives aimed at enhancing the infrastructure, leadership, and inclusivity of football in India.

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