Only Two Out of Five Bids May Succeed for I-League Entry

Inter Kashi and Namdhari appear as the favourites for I-League Entry

Times of India has hinted that only two out of the five submitted bids for the I-League Corporate Entry may find success. The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has yet to make an official announcement, creating intrigue among football enthusiasts.

As previously announced, the AIFF received a massive response from potential franchises eager to join the second division. The interested entities included YMS Finance Pvt Ltd from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd representing Bhaini Sahib Village in Punjab, Nimida United Sports Development Pvt Ltd from Bengaluru, Concatenate Advest Advisory Pvt Ltd hailing from Delhi, and Bunkerhill Pvt Ltd based in Ambala, Haryana.

All the identities have their own issues with the process. Bunkerhill reportedly have withdrawn their bid after getting their hands on the majority stakes of Mohammedan Sporting. FC Bengaluru United and Concatenate Advest (Delhi) have submitted a bid that suddenly isn’t acceptable. Concatenate Advest have also called out the AIFF financial team for being a ‘hindrance’.

Per the article, only Inter Kashi and Namdhari are looking like the ones whose bid can go through.

The recently revamped I-League has now become the second division of Indian football, aiming to rejuvenate the league and boost football’s growth at the grassroots level. Additionally, the I-League champions will gain promotion to the prestigious Indian Super League (ISL), adding to the allure of participating in this division.

Enthusiasts eagerly await the AIFF’s official announcement of the successful franchises, anticipating their chance to showcase their talent and contribute to the development of football in their regions.Please note that the AIFF’s selection process considers various criteria, such as financial stability, administrative capability, and a clear vision for football’s growth.

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