Shaji Prabhakaran Ousted as AIFF Secretary General Amidst Controversy

AIFF’s Shocking Decision: Shaji Prabhakaran Sacked, Mr. M Satyanarayan Assumes Interim Role as Acting Secretary General

In a sudden and dramatic development, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) has terminated the services of its Secretary General, Shaji Prabhakaran, effective immediately. AIFF President Kalyan Chaubey’s backing necessitates formal approval by the executive committee at a scheduled meeting this Wednesday.

As an interim measure, Deputy Secretary General Satyanarayan M has assumed the responsibilities of the vacant position, pending further announcements from the AIFF. At present, the AIFF has not issued an official statement regarding this sudden dismissal.

The removal of Shaji Prabhakaran has sent shockwaves throughout the Indian football community. It appears that prolonged differences of opinion between Prabhakaran and President Chaubey have played a pivotal role in his dismissal. Long-standing AIFF discord led to Secretary General’s removal, a pivotal turning point in Indian football’s leadership.

An AIFF official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the decision to terminate Prabhakaran’s services was made by President Chaubey and was subsequently endorsed by Vice President NA Harris and Treasurer Kipa Ajay.

Shaji Prabhakaran, a former FIFA South Central Asia development officer and ex-president of the Delhi Soccer Association, took over as the AIFF Secretary General in September of the previous year. His appointment coincided with the AIFF’s new leadership following fresh elections, supervised by court intervention. The charismatic Prabhakaran had initially enjoyed the support of President Chaubey and played a pivotal role in formulating the ‘Vision 2047,’ a roadmap for the development of Indian football.

However, as the AIFF embarked on its journey of transformation, whispers of internal discord became increasingly apparent. In June of this year, the AIFF formed a five-member committee aimed at enhancing “transparency and accountability” within the executive committee. NA Harris was appointed as the chairman of this core committee, a move perceived by many as an attempt to curb Prabhakaran’s authority. Tensions heightened as Satyanarayan became Deputy Secretary General during the SAFF Cup, curtailing Prabhakaran’s authority and revealing internal discord.

Another point of contention was Prabhakaran’s salary, which reportedly stood at Rs 12.5 lakh per month, nearly double that of his predecessor, Kushal Das.

Additionally, it has come to light that Prabhakaran faced criticism from fans on social media, particularly regarding the absence of VAR (Video Assistant Referee) technology in Indian football. In response to a fan’s query about VAR on Twitter, Prabhakaran had allegedly replied, “We don’t have funds.” His remark raised resource and financial questions within AIFF, yet it’s uncertain if this was the sole grounds for his termination.

Prabhakaran has responded to his abrupt dismissal with a letter to the executive committee members, asserting that his removal lacks constitutional validity. Prabhakaran insists he dedicated himself to Indian football’s growth and raises concerns about concealed motives behind his termination.

Tensions rose when Satyanarayan became Deputy Secretary General at the SAFF Cup, diminishing Prabhakaran’s control and unveiling internal disagreements. As the AIFF executive committee meets to formally approve the decision, several questions loom large: What were the precise reasons behind Prabhakaran’s sacking? Was it solely due to financial concerns, or were deeper internal issues at play? or Maybe he said the truth. So he got sacked? How will this decision impact the AIFF’s vision for the future of Indian football? And, what does this episode signify for the overall governance of sports organizations in India? The Indian football community eagerly awaits further developments in this ongoing saga and the answers to these pressing questions.

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